Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: 5 Things I Forgot (That I don't want you to!)

Today is April 24th. Which means in TWO days Kristin is going to be a MRS!!! So, today, I thought I'd do a post about things I forgot to do for my wedding, so that she & all of our lovely readers will be able to avoid these issues! No matter HOW organized I thought I was (heck, I wasn't even working, you would have thought I had this down to a tee!) I still forgot a few select things. And maybe, if I was a guest at my wedding, I would have realized a few other things I had forgotten. But, these are the things that have stood out in my mind, so I'd like you to be able to be aware of the same :)

1. Flowers for my Grandmas, Mom, and Mom-in-law. This was probably the most costly thing that we forgot about. And what is funny is that we didn't even forget it really... they were in the refridgerator at our venue (which was really Brandon's parent's backyard, so their fridge!) I will tell you WHY this happened and then hopefully you can be on the lookout for it in the future. My flowers were delivered to B's parent's house early in the afternoon. It was super duper hot out so we didn't want them to die and obviously wanted them as cold as could be until they absolutely HAD to come out. When they were delivered, we were in such a commotion of getting on our limo to take pics, we just set them aside and didn't ever pull them back out. No one even said one word! So, we had these beautiful pieces put together for the special ladies in my life that no one even saw. Such a bummer!

*i wish these flowers could have told us that we totally forgot about her friends in the fridge*

My solution to avoid this: Make someone in charge of the bridal party/family (this is where Kristin & I would come in ... hint, hint!). Have them give everyone a "once over" and make sure that they check out properly. I think that everyone was just so busy and it was all family/bridal party when they were dropped off that we didn't have a person to say - HEY you're missing some flowers crazies! Not that this was even a big deal AT ALL and we laughed about it so hard the next day, but you paid for it - you'll want to use them!

2. Props for our photo booth. Now, we didn't technically "forget" these, but we did forget to set them out at first. We were very lucky to have our photo booth set up by a family friend using his own camera & camera swag. We set it up under a shaded spot in the Rosengren's bar area. It was a BLAST. However, B had made up a whole bunch of chalkboard signs for people to write on. We weren't really about hats/glasses/boas (not that they aren't our thing, we just spent way less time & money on these chalkboards! haha) so we decided it would be fun to have people write things down. And it turned out hilarious. So, thankfully, at some point in the night someone remember to set them out for us. Because, although a picture may be worth a thousand words, it is worth even more with some words!

*kp & mp with some words of wisdom for b*

*one beautiful Halsey family making their Christmas card*


*chalkboards are good for inside jokes*

*but really, you don't even need a chalkboard if you're super cute*

Solution: If you have the ability to do this- walk through every section of your venue before you are leaving it prior to wedding time. If this is on your wedding day, it may not be practical for you- so have a trusted friend do it! Stand in each area & think, "Ok- what would I need if I were a guest from here?" And think of what you have prepared to go with the wedding. If you notice something missing, well, hop to and get it! Chances are, if you can't think of anything, no one will even know that it is missing come wedding time. (NOTE: we also forgot to set out straws for the bar ... so really, go through EVERY section of your venue!)

3. My bow bouquet for the rehearsal. Yep, all that super hard work and I forgot the whole dang thing. I was SO bummed when I realized AFTER the fact that I didn't use the bouquet. And what is even worse is that it was IN the Rosengren house when I was walking down the aisle for the rehearsal. I mean, it would have been cute for some pics ... right?

*i remembered my pretty friends! forgot my bouquet*

Solution: Have a bridesmaid make it and then have them bring it with them to the rehearsal! That is just what I'm doing for Kristin now, since we didn't get the change to make one at the first shower. Puts some responsibility on a bridesmaid, but I know they'd be happy to do it!

4. Wedding day logistics. I'm talking who will get where when and how. It really does become a bit of debacle because you have to decide who is going to drive ... who is going to have two cars in one place ... if you're in the wedding, where will your date meet you it ok to leave your car somewhere overnight ...what time do you need to be at your starting point and where/how will you get places from there .... ohhhhh and the list goes on. Guys aren't always so worried about this, so they especially need to be told where to go when.


Solution: Write the WHOLE thing out. The WHOLE thing. Make a wedding day timeline and structure the heck out of it. People will make fun of you for being so organized, but when it comes down to it they will be SO grateful. If possible, have someone who can shuttle people/cars if need be. Try to plan it out the best you can and if you can help anyone, help them out! But try not to leave any time period unthought of.

5. The Marriage License!! This actually has made me laugh.... as I'm asking Brandon today if there is anything that he forgot, this was his answer! That was definitely his responsibility (I picked it up, so I passed it off to him for wedding day) and he said that he had to come back to the house to get it because he had forgotten it on wedding day! Luckily, we live very close so it was fine ...but imagine not having this! All that hard work for nothin'.

*at least he remembered the ring ...or maybe he didn't and doesn't want to admit it!*

Solution: Put your marriage license in a folder right when you get it and put that folder with your wedding stuff immediately! Have a bridesmaid or groomsman remind you that you need it. On that note, make sure you have your vows (if you've written them), your readings (if you're providing them) and anything else that you are doing during the ceremony. Run through it in your head if you think you're forgetting something!

So, naturally, you may very well forget other things. I wanted to point the ones that stuck out in my mind ...but if you've got another, leave us a comment! We'd love to hear what you forgot and how you got by!

We'll see ya on this EXTRA special FAB wedding FRIDAY!!


1 comment:

  1. Hello guys!! I am searching a venue for my wedding reception. I have booked one venue for my reception day and want to book some other for the Wedding venues in San Antonio. So please help me.
