Wednesday, May 8, 2013

BE's Love Story

So, after a VERY productive business meeting with Kristin last night, we decided to take a short break from wedding tips (but don't worry, we have a TON of good ideas lined up for the future) and talk about our love stories. This week I'll be giving you the history of B & I, next WW she will dish the details about her love story with Mitch. We thought we'd switch it up, plus who doesn't love a good love story!?

I have known Brandon since the 4th grade. We were in Mrs. Cameron's class and he was a lil cutie with glasses. I wrote about him ALL over my diary. I "loved" him, I was going to marry him, he was so hot.... typical 4th grade behavior. I specifically wrote in my journal one day when we were in the same group for something that was going to happen EVERY week for like a month. 4 group activities with Brandon -- sweet! But then, we were in different classes in the 5th grade, so I'm sure this faded away. In the 6th grade we went to rival middle schools, so my 4th grade "love" faded away.

But still, every time we had an event where the middle schools would get together I always had it in the back of my mind that Brandon was the cutest guy ever. I had middle school boyfriends and so I was over it of course, but he was never forgotten.

*4th of July 2004 -- we got engaged 8 years after this! (cool choker, e)*

Fast forward to 9th grade, when the middle schools joined together for high school. Brandon was back in my life! We shared a ton of classes, and I was back in "love". In fact, we "dated" at the end of our 9th grade year. I put dated in quotes because we went on ONE date, our moms both dropped us off to see Battlefield Earth (you've probably never heard of this because it was a terrrrrible movie) and he changes his AOL Profile to say "Elyse is my girl" (score!) But (there's always a but apparently!), it was summer by now and in summer boys will be boys. B spent a lot of time playing video games, baseball, and well basically just not calling his girlfriend. Needless to say ... we broke up.

Fast forward again to the summer after Senior year, B is about to leave for college. In our junior & senior years of high school we became much closer as friends and shared a ton of friends in common. We each had our own relationships, but we always had a special connection. As B was just about to get ready to go to Rocky Mountain College in Montana (after I tried and tried to convince him to go to Michigan State...which really isn't nearly as good for skiing) we spent some QT together and ended up having our FIRST KISS! But then ... out of my life once again.

*one of my all-time fave pics, summer 2006*

B went and did the college thing, I did the college thing and we would talk every once in awhile when BRToughGuy would log onto AIM chat. When he came back for the summer that year we went on some dates, still hung out with all of our common friends, but no relationship and nothing serious. This would happen every year that B came back from college. Eventually, we realized all this talking in the summer may be something important! So, I finally decided one year to use all the money I had saved waitressing and fly to Montana. And let me tell you, that was the best time of my life. From walking down the stairs in their airport being so nervous, to crying as I'm about to leave... B made every moment so special.

*first time in MT, 2005*

It wasn't until B was back for good and working at Moosejaw that we decided to make it official. And even then, we still had our ups and downs. I went to Spain, he was busy with work and coaching, I was student teaching and working on getting my own job. Other people came and went, but Brandon was the person I always came back to.

*we went to Jamaica in 2006*

*we went to Cancun in 2010*

Eventually, I moved in with Brandon and from there we found our currently dream home. Laying in our pool on July 3, 2011, Brandon told me that I shouldn't expect a ring anytime soon, so don't get my hopes up (because let's be honest, I was probably laying it on pretty thick). It was THE next day, one of my favorite holidays, that Brandon got down on one knee in front of a whole backyard of our families and friends. Best day!

One year later, July 14th, we were married! And that was THE best of the best days of my life. Our wedding was so fabulous, fun, full of love and happiness. Brandon has taught me so much about life and how to take a step back and enjoy every single moment. He is driven, kind, caring, motivated, funny, spontaneous, and just the all-around perfect person for me that loves me so unconditionally.

I'll leave you with my wedding vows (which we wrote ourselves), which I think sums up this whole post. BHR, You are the best thing, my first & always, and I love you until forever!

Ever since the 4th grade, I have had a serious crush on you. Well, if my 4th grade self could see me now – she would be pretty impressed. From the time you called me in the 9th grade and sang, “I Want it That Way” by the Backstreet Boys, I knew you were a special guy… even if it was a dare. Today, I am so blessed to become your wife. You are selfless, sweet, hilarious, thoughtful, and oh so charming. You have taught me how to embrace my patience, see the positive in everything, and most importantly, you've attempted to teach me how to ski.

As we begin our forever together, I promise to always be your other half, never your better half. I promise to stick by you when things get tough and trust in you that together we will find a way. I promise to be faithful to you, listen to you, laugh with you, and encourage you. I promise to spend today and all of our tomorrows as your best friend and loving wife.

You are my first, you are my always, and you are simply the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you.


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