Sunday, May 25, 2014

Easy Nursery Wall Art with Great Great Grandma's Old Buttons!!

Well hello there!!

Loooooong time, no chat!!  

Leighelle's nursery is SO close to being done...never mind she is two months old... :-)  All we need to do is hang some items we already have.  I think Mitch is afraid (as am I) to put holes in the newly painted/wallpapered walls.  

My mom gave me an old mason jar FULL of old buttons from my Grandmother and Great Grandmother.  I have been wanting to do something with them for months now.  I decided that I wanted to shape them into an L on a canvas for Leighelle's room.  The finished product is below!

The steps I did it in were NOT the best...but I will share:

1.)  Picked out the buttons I thought were cool.
2.)  Drew a cursive L on a white canvas.
3.)  Laid out the buttons how I wanted them (the last picture). 
4.)  Spray painted (the only thing I had in the house that was pink) the other canvas.
5.)  TRIED to lay the buttons out into the L in the same fashion by eyeballing my first layout. (I should   
       have painted, drew the L, THEN put the buttons on).  Ah well.  

I like my first layout better, but it turned out ok in the end.  Scroll down to see what products I used to complete this easy speesy project.  

*my finished product

*it was hard to choose out of so many cool buttons

*works great and dries clear

*did not want to buy anything new, so just used this :-)

* First layout

Happy Memorial Day weekend!!

Thank you to all the heroes out there for your selfless sacrifice and service!

XO, K & E