Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Black, White, and Leopard

Hello all! I was so excited to get out to take this pic because it was SUMMER this weekend! But, then we got outside and it has dropped probably 30 degrees and is NOOOTTT summer anymore. :( Boo. I wore this outfit this past weekend and decided I needed to dress up plain black and white with some leopard and some bling! Loved the combo. Also, my black dress pants have probably made their final debut. I need new ones ...and fast!

Pants: F21 // Tank: Nordstrom // Blazer: F21 // Shoes: Target

AAAANNNNNNDDDDDD......It's back to winter!  What the heck?!?!?  We did not go far today, so I was sportin' comfort and rockin' my house shoes :-)

Sorry the pic is so dark :-(

House Shoes:  Payless (SSSOOOOOO comfy....you need to get a couple, but buy a half size down-they stretch)  
// Jeggings:  Nordstrom  //  Tank:  Target  //  Cardi:  F21 //  Scarf:  Boutique in Traverse City  

Socks: Trumpettes //  Pants:  Walmart  //  Onesie:  Carter's  //  Headband:  Pipsqueak Boutique  //  Flower clip:  A gift

Have a great day!!!

Chat soon!

XO, K & E

1 comment:

  1. such cute outfits! I love how you include the sweet baby outfits.. she is so cute! xo
