Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Gettin' Personal this Wednesday!

Hello everyone!

This (Fall-like) Wednesday we are switching up a little bit.  Elyse and I decided that we'd let our readers 'in' a bit more and came up with ten things you may not (or may) know about us.  This week it is my (Kristin's) turn and Elyse will list hers next Wednesday.  

Ten things you may not know about Kristin...

1.} I played piano for ten I am not sure if I could even read the music :(

2.} My dream job would be to own a boutique in a cute lil' downtown setting.

3.} I loath scary movies. I can't even watch/listen to the previews. 

4.} I love to balance my check book. I mean, love it... (Even though it often ends up with a zero balance) Ha.

5.} I made bread (well baked something other than dinner) for the first time yesterday. Seriously, haven't even made cookies (well, if the kind you cut from the roll and put on the cookie sheet counts then I have)... It turned out "ok".

6.} I love to pick one item in my closet (pair of shoes, necklace, etc.) and plan an outfit around that one item. 

7.}  I hate getting ready for the day/doing my hair/showering...yep, it's true.

8.} I love Dancing...anywhere, anytime. (I danced my whole life... Well, starting at 2).

9.} Laughing/laughing with others is one of my top 3 favorite things to do.  

10.} I love picnics! Wish I could go on one every week.

XO, K 


  1. K - I am not sure what you made is bread... ;) Let me know when you're ready to learn to use the oven. Love, your food scientist friend
    p.s. LOVE those lil k dance pics :) xo!

  2. Hiiiiiii Jayne!!!!!!
    Ha! It is, it is!! Low carb, high fiber zucchini bread! :-) Probably why it's not "fluffy". Buuuuuuuuuut, any help from my food scientist friend would be great!!!
    Hope you're fab girl!!!!!!
