Wednesday, May 22, 2013

WW: Elyse's Top 5 Wedding Moments

Happy Wednesday, ya'll! Today I'm talking about my top 5 wedding moments. Why, you ask? Well, because these are moments that I want YOU to think about as they are happening on your wedding. And soak them in. And treasure them. And you know what, I'm going to be honest... you probably won't be able to. And that's ok because you will have a photog (and maybe videog) to get it for you. Because your wedding will FLY by. But when you look back at your pictures and video you will get all those feelings back. Every. single. time. So, here are mine! I've been married for 10 months and I still can't get enough of looking at these pics...

Here we go! Drumroll pleaseeeeeeee. In no particular order, my Top 5 Fave Moments!

5. Everything about putting on my dress. Putting on my dress was one of THE most ultimate moments and I don't have just one picture to capture it. I loved having my mom help me in. I loved the reaction my bridesmaids gave. (We will do a whole blog post on picking your dress because I have a great story behind why I picked mine!) But most of all, I loved walking down my parent's stairs and watching my dad (who acts like he knows a decent amount of technology... but he doesn't) video me on his phone. I could not get enough of the feeling of becoming and being THE bride.

*this pic makes my heart so happy*
*how cute is my mom's dress? seriously!*
* :) :) :) :) :) :) :) *

4. THE first look! (I've definitely talked about this before, so forgive me if I repeat myself). I know this is not for everyone and that is aok. I personally LOVED mine. I had actually posted a question about this on Facebook before we finally decided what to do and got mixed reviews and I really respected everyone's opinions. But after much research, I finally decided to go for it. My main reason was because I wanted to have more time to party... seriously! I wanted to have time to take most of our pictures before the wedding so that I could have time to mingle and hang with our guests! It worked the best for me, but I know it doesn't work for everyone. What you chose to do will be the best solution for you!

3. Reading our vows. We had already read our vows to each other. In fact, Brandon wasn't sold on the idea of writing our own vows, so our compromise was that IF we did, we read them to each other in the privacy of our own home first. And then we modified each other's so that they flowed together. I loved having that moment for 2 reasons. One, because we have those words to have forever, to read to our kids in the future. Two, I loved having everyone at our wedding hear those words. I really just love our vows. And saying I do. And becoming Mrs. Elyse Rosengren!

*it was hard not to cry, even though i knew exactly what he was going to say*

2. When my beautiful, talented musical guest surprised me after the ceremony. So, long story short, I was a nanny for the sweetest children for about 6 years or so, Kelle and Jefferson. I was with them through a lot of events in their lives and they will always mean the absolute world to me. They moved to California and so I rarely get to see them, just when they come back to Michigan in the summer. My mom knew that Kelle (and Jeff!) mean everything to me and she knew how disappointed I was that I was that she was not going to be able to attend my wedding. So, without me knowing, she planned with Kelle and Kelle's equally sweet mom, Carole, to have Kelle fly to Michigan. Kelle also has a beyond amazing voice. So, the plan was for Kelle to sing after the I do's. You can see the look of surprise and shock on my face as I saw her walking down the aisle singing, "From This Moment". It was one of THE most amazing moments of my life and having the little sister that I've never had be in Michigan, singing to me on my wedding day is a feeling that I can't even put into words. Kelle, you know this, but I love you & Jeffy with all I've got and will forever & ever. Thank you for allowing me to have this moment!

*pure surprise*
*and so, so, so much happiness!*
*isn't she stunning?*
*lovelovelove this girl*

1. Dancing to OUR DJ. If you know me, you know that in another life I should have been DJ Esizzle. For whatever reason, I had big dreams of being a DJ at one time. So, the day when I had my own personal DJ.... well, it was hard to leave the dance floor. It wasn't just the dancing that I loved, but it was everything about seeing all the people that we love come together to celebrate us and our love for each other. I wish that I had a picture of the moment that Brandon and I took a step back to soak it all in (but, my camera was who knows where at that point), but that was really just one of the best feelings in the world. I'd do the night over again and again and again if I could. Remember, take that moment to step back. It's a feeling that will overwhelm you with love and joy. Best.Day.Ever!

I am thankful for each and every one of these moments. Sorry if you've seen these pictures earlier on the blog, but I really just cannot get enough. I owe all of these moments captured in time to some rockin' photographers, Ben & Mindy of Studio 6.23. They are AMAZING. 

What were your top wedding moments? Or what moments are you most excited for? We'd love to hear! I hope you've enjoyed mine! You can look forward to Kristin's (with her gorgeous wedding pics!) next week! XO, E


  1. Hi Elyse...Carole here. I'm holding back tears right now as I am at work. During the 6 years you were nanny to Kelle & Jefferson, you were also my guardian angel, my comfort during those "other weeks". You helped to shape the beautiful individuals that they are. I am eternally grateful! I love you...Carole

    1. Awwww, Carole!! THANK YOU so much for your sweet comment! I was so blessed to have those two and you in my life. You have all made me the person that I am today and I am so thankful for the time that I got to spend with them. And they have turned into some pretty spectacular individuals, huh?! ;) I love YOU! xoxo

  2. Elyse, I loved this! My sister is getting married next weekend, and I sent this to her right away! She said she didn't think of some of these, but she definitely will now! Thank you! Also, she loves the blog. You girls are awesome! Keep it up! :)

    1. Awwww, I LOVE it! Thanks, Liz!! I'm so glad you guys love it. Thank YOU for reading and sharing! Absolutely means the world to us! And don't forget to enter the giveaway this week! ;) XO

  3. Thanks so much! Yep, great memories! :)

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