Friday, March 8, 2013

Fafafafafaaab Friday

Hello and TGIF!!!

To piggy back off of Elyse I, too, would like to say thank you to all of our likers, followers, readers, page viewers, sharers, supporters, etc!!!!  I am having a BLAST with this bloggin' thing and it means the world that others are enjoying it too :-)  I drove the entire way to work this morning without music...never mind I was blowing Elyse's phone up with all my "talk to text" texts...but I was just thinking about today's blog, next weeks posts and how fun and FAB all of this is!! 

My fiance and I just moved into a new (well, 120 ish year old) home and are having THE best time jazzing it up.  It has so much character by itself we wanted to be sure to find things that were unique and added to its charm.  Unfortunately the "jazzing" has come to a halt with all the wedding planning, but we'll be back at it soon :-)

The first "FAB find" I wanted to share with you was "Operation Headboard".  We did not have a headboard for our guest bedroom and wanted to find some cool old window shutters to create it out of. The vision was there in my head...I just couldn't find what I wanted.  Mitch (my fiance) and I headed downtown Holly to go thrifting/antique-ing.  There are SO many cool places downtown!!!  We ended up finding the coolest things (more to be discussed next week).  We ended up finding (at Battle Alley Arcade Antiques Mall) four old shutters for a STEAL!!  They would be perfect (with a little TLC).  We bopped around a bit more and discovered Chalk Paint at the Pigeon in the Parlour!!!  This stuff was SWEET, check it out when you get a second... ANY Whooozles... The before and after is below!!!  I am still on a mission to find cool letters to go above it that spell out "Dream", "Family", or not exactly sure yet.... :-)

The entire lower level of the house has hard wood floors so I was on a cool rug hunt for WEEKS.  One day I typed in "unique rugs" (or something of that fashion) and stumbled upon the website One King's Lane.  It has really neat stuff...but if you snooze, ya lose-it goes quick!!!  Of course I got side tracked and somehow ended up in the pillow sale section and fell in love with about 10 pillows... (I think I ended up Pinning all of them)... But one particular pillow won my heart.  I felt as though it was MADE for my living room. Plus it makes me 'smile' every time I walk in the room.   Elyse and I ended up buying our sweet pillows from the same place (probably knowing us, on the same day)!!!  I absolutely LOVE hers too and it looks awesome in her newly revamped den!

Now to start my day job...Let's see, what am I teaching in Geometry today... :-)
Have a wonderful weekend!!!!

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